Friday, October 23, 2009

- Medical syndromes.

Medical syndrome is defined as :-
A group of symptoms and signs that collectively indicate or characterize a disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal condition.
There are a lot of medical syndromes and we try to list some of them:-
1-Down syndrome (click here).
2-Plummer-Vinson syndrome (click here).
3-Ramsay Hunt syndrome (click here).
4-Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome (click here).
5-Cri-du-chat syndrome (click here).
6-YY syndrome (click here).
7-Klinefelter's syndrome (click here).
8-Turner's syndrome (click here).
9- Fanconi syndrome (click here).
10-Abderhalden-Kaufmann-Lignac syndrome (click here) .
11-Light Wood-Albright syndrome(Lightwood syndrome)(click here).
12-Oculo-cerebro-renal Syndrome (click here).
13-Metabolic syndrome (click here).
14-Pickwickian syndrome (click here).
15- Kallmann syndrome (click here).
16-Sertoli-cell-only syndrome (click here).
17-Lambert-Eaton syndrome (click here).
18-Guillain Barré syndrome (click here).
19-Horner's syndrome (click here).
20-Brown-Séquard syndrome. (click here).
21-Carpal tunnel syndrome. (click here).
22-Sjögren's syndrome (click here).
23-Felty's syndrome (click here).
24-Caplan's syndrome (click here).
25-Congenital Rubella Syndrome  (click here).
26-Caroli's syndrome.  (click here).
27-Malabsorption syndrome.  (click here).
28-Duhin-Johnson syndrome.  (click here).
29-Exploding head syndrome. (click here). 
If you have other syndromes plz tell us...
Dr Ibrahim,,

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

-Genetics in Pediatrics.

We study genetics in Pediatrics mainly for the follwoing reasons:-
  • Major component and/or reason for pediatric admissions.
  • The main cause of death in first year of life.
  • Nearly 71% of children in hospital have a genetic disease or susceptibility.
  • Nearly 3% of newborns with significant birth defect.
  • Families have concerns about recurrence, cause and available therapie.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

- Ramadan Mubarak.

Ramadan Mubarak Everyone....

May Allah accept from us and from you.....

Dr Ibrahim..

Friday, August 14, 2009

- Organization of human body.

1- Human body (total organism) is complicated &

highly organized
& composed of number of systems:-

-Musculoskeletal system.
-Respiratory system.
-Cardiovascular system.
-Hemic and lymphatic systems including immune system.
-Gastrointestinal system.
-Urogentital system.
-Endocrine system.
-Nervous system.
-Integumentary system:- skin, hair and nails.

2- One system is composed of group of organs which

together perform the over all function of the system.(1)

3- An organ :- is composed of several different tissues

which together perform the particular function of the organ.

4- A Tissue :- is a group of cells working together &

these cells are separated by inter-cellular substance.

e.g Muscular tissue & neural tissue.(1)

5- Cell :- is the smallest living unit of the body construction (2)&

it is the structural & functional unit in the body.

cell is composed of complex structure called protoplasm.(2)

In eukaryotes the protoplasm surrounding the cell nucleus

is known
as the cytoplasm and

that inside the nucleus as the nucleoplasm.

6- Protoplasm is composed of a mixture of different molecules :-

- water 70%

- proteins 15%

- nucleic acids 1%

- polysaccharides 3%

- lipids 1%

- Minerals & others 4%

7- Molecules are formed of elements :-

- carbon (C)

- hydrogen (H)

- oxygen (o)

- Nitrogen (N)

- phosphorus (p)

- sulfur (s)

Elements are substances which cannot be broken down further

by ordinary chemical means


(1) Introduction to anatomy ,Anatomy & embryology department,
Mansoura uni 2006.
(2) Principles of histology vol 1 , Ch 2 cytoplasm,
histology staff members , Mansoura uni 2006.
(3) wikipedia here
(4) Medical biochemistry, Vol 1,Physical chemistry,
Medical biochemistry staff members,2006.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

- Components of Quality of health care.

components of Quality of health care are collected in the word

" Re-cast"
- Interpersonal Relationship which refers to the inter-action between providers and clients, health team and community and in between medical staff.

- Effectivness.

- Efficiency.

- Continuity:- client recieve ccomplete health service without interruption,cessation or unneccessary repetition of diagnosis or treatment.

- Accessibility:- health care must be unrestricted.

- Amenities ( Non medical aspect of Quality) .

- Safety = minimizing risk of danger

( infection,injury,harmfuk side effects)

for both clients & providers.

- Technical compotence = clinical skills.

see you,
Dr Ibrahim