Showing posts with label anatomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anatomy. Show all posts

Monday, June 27, 2011

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

- Structures of angle of Anterior chamber.

Structures of angle of Anterior chamber.
"I Can See Till Schwalbe's Line"
  • Iris root.
  • Cilliary Body.
  • Scleral spur.
  • Trabecular Meshwork.
  • Schwalbe's Line.
These Structures are seen by gonioscopy.

Dr Ibrahim

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

- Carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome 
*Def:- is a medical condition in which the median nerve is compressed inside the flexor retinaculum leading to paresthesias, numbness and muscle weakness in the hand.

Due to fibrosis,fluid accumulation,soft tissue or bone hypertrophy which my be due to:-
Diabetes mellitus,Drugs(e.g Oral contraceptive pills)

Rheumatoid arthritis

Saturday, February 6, 2010

-Sites of esophageal constrictions.

Sites of esophageal constrictions are
collected in the word "Dial" at

Diaphragm (15 inches from incisor).
Inlet of the esophagus(6 inches from incisor).
Aortic arch crosses it(9 inches from incisor).
Left main bronchus crosses it (12 inches from incisor).

Importance :-

  • During passage of insturments (gastroscope) along the esophagus.
  • Lodging of swollen foreign bodies.

Dr Ibrahim

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

- Human Skin Histology.

-Human skin is considered the largest organ of the body and form  about 16% of the body weight (1) with a surface area somewhat less than 1.5 m(2).
-The skin form the external surface of the human body.At the orifices of the mouth,nose and the anal canal, the skin join the mucous membrane at the muco-cutaneous junction (3).

-Types of human skin (1):-
  1. Thick skin (Non-Hairy) which has thick epidermis and found only in the palms and soles as they are the most sites subjected to abrasions and trauma and thick skin shows characteristic parallel ridges and grooves which are called "Finger prints".
  2. Thin skin (Hairy) which has thin epidermis and covers the rest of the body.
-Histological structure of the skin :-
skin is composed of 3 layers
  1. Epidermis
  2. Dermis
  3. Hypodermis (Subcutaneous fatty layer) 
1- Epidermis:-
  • It is the outer superficial epithelial layer of skin.
  • It is composed of Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium.
  • The thickness of the epidermis varies in different types of skin. It is the thinnest on the eyelids and the thickest on the palms(0.8mm) and soles(1.4mm).
  • The epidermis is ectodermal in origin.
  • The epidermis is devoid of blood vessels and gets its nutrition through diffusion.

Friday, August 14, 2009

- Organization of human body.

1- Human body (total organism) is complicated &

highly organized
& composed of number of systems:-

-Musculoskeletal system.
-Respiratory system.
-Cardiovascular system.
-Hemic and lymphatic systems including immune system.
-Gastrointestinal system.
-Urogentital system.
-Endocrine system.
-Nervous system.
-Integumentary system:- skin, hair and nails.

2- One system is composed of group of organs which

together perform the over all function of the system.(1)

3- An organ :- is composed of several different tissues

which together perform the particular function of the organ.

4- A Tissue :- is a group of cells working together &

these cells are separated by inter-cellular substance.

e.g Muscular tissue & neural tissue.(1)

5- Cell :- is the smallest living unit of the body construction (2)&

it is the structural & functional unit in the body.

cell is composed of complex structure called protoplasm.(2)

In eukaryotes the protoplasm surrounding the cell nucleus

is known
as the cytoplasm and

that inside the nucleus as the nucleoplasm.

6- Protoplasm is composed of a mixture of different molecules :-

- water 70%

- proteins 15%

- nucleic acids 1%

- polysaccharides 3%

- lipids 1%

- Minerals & others 4%

7- Molecules are formed of elements :-

- carbon (C)

- hydrogen (H)

- oxygen (o)

- Nitrogen (N)

- phosphorus (p)

- sulfur (s)

Elements are substances which cannot be broken down further

by ordinary chemical means


(1) Introduction to anatomy ,Anatomy & embryology department,
Mansoura uni 2006.
(2) Principles of histology vol 1 , Ch 2 cytoplasm,
histology staff members , Mansoura uni 2006.
(3) wikipedia here
(4) Medical biochemistry, Vol 1,Physical chemistry,
Medical biochemistry staff members,2006.

Monday, March 16, 2009

- Muscles.

-Types :-
There are 3 types of muscles each type of muscles has its specific structural and functional unit which is called muscle fiber ( cell):-
1- skeletal muscle has skeletal muscle fiber.
2- cardiac muscle has cardiac muscle fiber.
3- smooth muscle has smooth muscle fiber.

- Innervation of the muscles:-
*skeletal muscle fiber has somatic innervation.
* both cardiac muscle fiber and  smooth muscle fibers have autonomic innervation.
-skeletal muscle fiber is under voluntary control
- both cardiac muscle fiber and smooth muscle fibers are under involuntary control.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

- Anatomy of the External nose.

- The external nose extends the nasal cavities onto the front of the face and positions the nares so that they point downwards.

- The anterior parts of the nasal cavities are held open by a  skeletal framework (i.e external nose ).

- The external nose is pyramidal in shape , has anterior border called "dorsum" and two lateral sides.
- It´s root lies at the naso-facial suture.
- It´s apex called the tip of the nose.
- The septum below the tip of the nose called "columella".
- The opening of the nose to air is called "nostrils" or "anterior nares" which are openings through which air enters nasal cavities...

- The external nose is composed of two parts:

1- Upper bony part:-
which is composed of :

  • Nsal bones which is articulate together in the middle line .
  • Nasal process of frontal bone.
  • Nasal process of maxillry bone.

2- lower cartilagenous part:-
which is composed of :

  • upper lateral cartilage.
  • Major alar cartilage(lower lateral cartilage).
  • Minor alar cartilage at ala nasi.

N.B: Major alar cartilage is composed of two crura lateral and medial.
The two medial crura form "columella".

-Netter anatomy atlas.
-Richard l.darke,wayne vogl& Adam mitchell:Gray´s anatomy for students.
-Mohammed Fareed:Illustrated Otolaryngology.
-Hassan Allam:Manual of Otorhinolaryngology.
-Mansoura E.N.T department:Essentials of Otorhinolaryngology.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

-Three in human ear.

There are...

- 3 parts of the human ear:-

  1. External ear.
  2. Middle ear.
  3. Inner ear.
- 3 parts of the External ear:-
  1. auricle (pinna).
  2. external auditory meatus.
  3. Tympanic membrane.
- 3 layers in tympanic membrane:-
  1. Outter skin layer.
  2. middle fibrous layer.
  3. inner mucosal layer.
- 3 cranial nerves innervate the tympanic membrane:-
  1. C.N. V (trigeminal).
  2. C.N. IX(glossopharyngeal).
  3. C.N. X (Vagus).
 -3 Parts of middle ear:-
  1. Tympanic cavity.
  2. Eustachian tube.
  3. Mastoid air cells.
- 3 parts of the tympanic cavity:-
  1. epi-tympanum.
  2. meso-tympanum.
  3. hypo-tympanum.
- 3 middle ear bones (auditory ossicles):-
  1. malleus.
  2. incus.
  3. stapes.
- 3 parts of the malleus:-
  1. Head.
  2. lateral process.
  3. handle.
- 3 parts of labyrinth:-
  1. Bony cochlea.
  2. 3 semicircular canals.
  3. Vestibule.
- 3 semicircular canals :
  1. Posterior.
  2. lateral.
  3. superior.
- 3 compartments of cavity of bony cochlea :-
  1. scala vestibuli: Upper compartment.
  2. scala media (cochlear duct):middle compartment.
  3. scala tympani: lower compartment.
- 3 membranes in cochlear duct:-
  1. vestibular.
  2. Tectorial.
  3. Basilar .
- 3 labyrnthine sensory end organs:-
  1. Of cochlea..called organ of corti.
  2. of s c c....called crista.
  3. of utricle and saccule..called macula.

Enjoy it,,,,,
Dr Ibrahim...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

-Dangerous area of the face.

Dangerous area of the face

- It is the area () the root of  the nose and 2 angles of the mouth.
- The veins in this region are connected to cavernous sinus so any infection in this area may lead to cavernous sinus thrombosis.

- Venous draingae of Dangerous area:-

  • Antearior and  post etmoidal veins drain to opthalmic vein.
  • sphenopalatine & greater palatine veins drain to pterygoid veins.
  • Angular vein,lateral nasal and superior labial veins drain to facial vein...
- All of the above veins drain finally to cavernous sinus.

So, Donnot put your finger in your nose..:)

See you,
Dr Ibrahim...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

- cornea.


* Definition :

It is a colorless (transparent) structure

covering the anterior 1/6 of the eye ball.

*Development of the cornea:

  • Surface ectoderm forms the epithelium of the cornea.
  • Mesoderm gives rise to the corneal stroma.
  • Neural crest cells gives rise to the corneal Endothelium.

**Characters of the cornea :-

- colorless (transparent) structure and has a smooth surface.

- A vascular structure.

- Highly innervated by non-myelinated trigeminal nerve fibers.

-The most powerful refractive media of the eye

( 42+ diopters ).

- Diameter :-

  • Horizontal = 12mm
  • vertical = 11mm Why…?
Due to scleral overlapping on upper

& lower sides of the cornea.

- It is not uniformly curved How…?

>>the central or optical zone having a smaller radius of

curvature than the peripheral parts, and the

posterior surface is more strongly curved than the anterior.

>> Ant radius of curvature = 7.7 mm

>> Post radius of curvature = 6.6 mm

>>Thus the cornea is thinner (0.6 mm) at its

center than near its margin (1 mm).

see you,

Dr Ibrahim

Saturday, November 15, 2008

- Anatomy and histology of eye lids.

- Eye lid :
  • It is movable muco-cutaneous fold covering anterior surface of eye globe.
  • Upper eye lid is more movable than lower eye lid as it have levator palpebrae superioris muscle and Muller's muscle .
  • The upper eyelid skin crease (superior palpebral furrow) is approximately 8-11 mm superior to the eyelid margin and is formed by the attachment of the superficial insertion of  levator aponeurotic fibers  (8-9 mm in men and 9-11 mm in women).
-The palpebral fissure is that empty space between the upper and  lower eyelid margins when the eyelids are open (that is, the space between the eyelids that allows you to see  your eyeball and your eyeball to see the world).

Friday, September 5, 2008

- Cranial nerves.

**There are 12 cranial nerves...

  1. I      Olfactory nerve (purely sensory).
  2. II     Optic nerve  (purely sensory).
  3. III    Occulomotor nerve  ( Purely motor).
  4. IV    Trochlear  nerve  ( Purely motor).
  5. V     Trigeminal nerve ( Mixed ).
  6. VI    Abducent. ( Purely motor).
  7. VII   Facial  ( Mixed ).
  8. VIII  Auditory nerve  (Vestibulocochlear) (purely sensory).
  9. IX    Glossopharyngeal  ( Mixed ).
  10. X     Vagus  ( Mixed ).
  11. XI    Spinal Accessory.( Mixed ).
  12. XII   Hypoglossal .( Mixed ).

** Important notes:-
- The largest cranial nerve .... CN V (Trigeminal).
- Cranial nerves responsible for eye movements are
  •    III (Oculomotor)
  •    IV (Trochlear)
  •    VI (Abducens)

- The longest cranial nerve ....CN X (Vagus) which reaches from the medulla to the digestive and urinary organs.

- CN I and II are  attached to Cerebrum.

See you ,

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

- Three in nervous system.

* Brain is composed of three parts :-
  1. Cerebrum.
  2. Cerebellum.
  3. Brain stem.

* Brain stem is composed of three parts :-
  1. Midbrain.
  2. Pons.
  3. Medulla oblongata.
To be continued ....

Friday, July 18, 2008

- The Meninges of the Brain.

The Meninges of the Brain

1-The Dura mater.

2-The Arachnoid mater .

3The Pia mater.

1-The Dura mater:

-The dura mater is as two layers:

the endosteal layer and the meningeal layer.

These are closely united except along certain lines,

where they separate to form venous sinuses & folds

which act as septae forming cranial cavity compartments.

- Dural folds :
  • Falx cerebri
  • Tentorium cerebelli
  • Falx cerebelli
2-The Arachnoid mater :

-The arachnoid mater is a delicate, impermeable membrane

covering the brain and lying between the pia mater

internally and the dura mater externally.

- It is separated from the dura by a potential space, the subdural space,

- It is separated from the pia by the subarachnoid space,

which is filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

2-The pia mater :

-The pia mater is a vascular membrane that

closely invests the brain,
covering the gyri and

descending into the deepest sulci.

See you,

Dr Ibrahim

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

- The Cranial cavity in brief .

The Cranial cavity in brief

- The cranial cavity, or intracranial space,

is the space formed inside the skull

- The skull or cranium is a bony structure

serves as the general framework for the head....

- Brain : occupies the cranial cavity,

which is lined by the meninges

The meninges are the system of membranes that

envelop the central nervous system and which

contains fluid to cushion blows.

- Cranial cavity is composed by the frontal,

parietal, sphenoid, temporal and occipital bones,

and in part the ethmoid, all covered by

endosteal layer of dura mater.

- The cranial cavity is divided into

three cranial fossae :

1-Anterior cranial fossa which accommodates

the anterior lobe of brain.

2- Middle cranial fossa, much wider than the

anterior cranial fossa contain the 2 temporal lobes of brain.

3- Posterior cranial fossa is much shallower and

wider than the middle cranial fossa and it

accommodates the occipital lobes of the brain.

see you,

Dr Ibrahim

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

- layers of the scalp.

Scalp is composed of five layers arranged  from outward inward in the manner
" S C A L P "

- Skin:

The skin of the scalp is thick and hair bearing and contains numerous sebaceous glands.

-Connective tissue (superficial fascia):

The superficial fascia is a fibro fatty layer that connects skin to the underlying aponeurosis of the occipitofrontalis muscle and provides a passageway for nerves and blood vessels.

- Aponeurosis (galia aponeurotica):- Sheet like tendon of occipitofrontalis muscle .

-Loose areolar tissue (subglial) .

-Pericranium (periosteum):- Dense fibrous tissue.

Enjoy it, see you,

Dr Ibrahim.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

- Body types according to shape.

There are 3 groups of individuals that are classified

according to shape of the body:-

1- Ectomorph = slim Individuals.

2-Endomorph=broad Individuals.

3- Mesomorph= between the the other types (i.e muscular type)


Morph=Body form.

Endo = all energy is stored inside the body.

Ecto= all energy is outgoing.

meso= in between (in the middle).

Source :- Introduction to anatomy , Anatomy & embryology department, Mansoura uni.

-What is Anatomy?

-Anatomy: study of structure& shape of the body &
its parts & their relations to one another.

-Physiology: study of body’s function.

-Anatomical studies:

1-Systematic anatomy: studying the various systems of
which the human body is composed which are :

Osteology—the bony system or skeleton.
Syndesmology—the articulations or joints.
Myology—the muscles.
Angiology—the vascular system, comprising the heart,
bloodvessels, lymphatic vessels, and lymph glands.
Neurology—the nervous system.
Splanchnology—the visceral system including :
respiratory system,digestive system,urogenital system,also CVS

2- Topographical or regional anatomy:the organs and tissues
may be studied in relation to one another i.e studied in term of
regions,trunk region(Thorax&abdomen),upper limb,lower limb,
head& neck.

3-Microscpoic anatomy (histology):
study of the minute structure of the various component
parts of the body by using microscope.

study of the human organism in its immature condition,
i. e., the various stages of its intrauterine development.

5-Applied anatomy:
The direct application of the facts

of human anatomy to the various pathological conditions.

6-Surface anatomy:
the appreciation of structures on or

immediately underlying the surface of the body .

7-Functional anatomy:
study relationship between function

&strucuter of the body.

- Structure reflects Function as each part of the body
is designed to perform certain function which adapted to do
that function.

see you,

Dr Ibrahim