Saturday, September 10, 2011

- Sher's grading of abruptio placentae.

Sher's grading of abruptio placentae.
(according to severity)
  1. Grade I (Retrospective) Not recognized clinically before delivery: small retroplacental Haematoma discovered on maternal surface of placenta after delivery, No APH.
  2. Grade II mild vaginal bleeding,uterine tenderness and tetany, No fetal distress, no maternal shock.
  3. Grade III Severe vaginal bleeding, uterine tenderness and tetany, fetal distress then death, maternal shock, according to DIC:
                          IIIa:Without DIC
                          IIIb:With DIC
Dr Ibrahim
Return to list of medical grades (click here) 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

- Eye signs of thyrotoxicosis.

Eye signs of thyrotoxicosis.
"DR Joffroy may validate symptoms"

  • Dalrymple sign:- rim of sclera is seen all around the cornea, on looking straight forward.
  • Rosenbach's sign:- fine tremor of the upper eyelids on slight closure of the eye.
  • Joffroy's sign:-lack of wrinkling of the forehead when a patient looks upward.
  • Moebius sign:- lack of convergence on looking to near object.
  • Von Graefe's sign (lid lag sign):-lagging of the upper eyelid on looking downward without movinh the head.
  • Stellwag's sign:-staring look with infrequent blinking.
Dr Ibrahim,,

Sunday, August 7, 2011

- Causes of gynecomastia.

Causes of gynecomastia.
  • Genetic : klinefelter syndrome.
  • Young boy (puberty): due to transient increase of plasma estradiol.
  • Neonate: due to persistent maternal or placental lactogens.
  • Estrogen and estrogen like drugs (e.g. digitalis).
  • Cirrohosis,Cimetidine,Cytotoxic drugs.
  • Old age(due to conversion of androgen to estrogen in extra glandular tissue),Overactive thyroid (Hyperthyroidism)
  • Myxedema,Marijuana.
  • Acromrgally.
  • Spironolactone,Steroids.
  • Tumour (e.g. testis,adrenal,bronchogenic carcinoma).
  • INH,Iron deposition in testis.
  • Alcoholism.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

- Gallbladder stone and surgery.

Gallbladder stone and surgery.
video shows normal function of gallbladder and then problems from gallstones and how laparoscopic surgery is done to remove gallbladder.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

- Drugs interfering with woman sexual functioning.

Drugs interfering with woman sexual functioning.

"On batch"
Oral contraceptives.



Thiazide diuretics.

Dr Ibrahim