Wednesday, June 29, 2011

- Factors affecting women sexual response.

Factors affecting women sexual response.

  • Pregnancy :- stress accompanying pregnancy affect sexual marital relationship.
  • Aging.
  • Illness either acute or chronic.
  • Infertility :- cause women to feel depressed and sexually undesirable.
  • Drugs which interferes with sexual functioning (click here) .

Dr Ibrahim

Monday, June 27, 2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011

- Savary miller endoscopic grading of GORD.

 Savary miller endoscopic grading of GORD.

I-single erosive lesion.
II-multiple erosion lesion.
III-Circumferential erosion lesion.
IV-chronic lesions(ulcer,stricture,Short esophagus)
V-columnar epithelium (Barrett´s Epithelium).

Dr Ibrahim
Return to list of medical grades (click here) 

Monday, June 20, 2011

- Complications of reflux oesophagitis.

Complications of reflux oesophagitis.

Peptic Ulcer.

Short esophagus due to spasm of longitudinal muscles.
Stricture of esophagusdue due to spasm of longitudinal muscles.


Inhalation pneumonia from recurrent reflux.

Barretts oesophagus.

Monilial invasion with further mucosal damage.

Dr Ibrahim