Saturday, April 25, 2009

- Differential Diagnosis of acute red eye.

This is an illustrative picture for

differential Diagnosis of acute red eye

Due to non proptotic causes.

I think it is really simple & good for

systematic diagnosis of acute red eye..

wait for loading.. the picture...


see you...

Dr Ibrahim.....

Monday, April 20, 2009

- Heat related illnesses.

Heat related illnesses
(Thermal stress)
"Sect MRI"

Heat Sroke.
Heat Exhaustion.
Heat Cramp,Circulatory instability,Conjunctivitis
Thermogenic anhydrosis.

Miliaria rubra.
Respiratory distress,Retinitis
Ischemic heart diseases.

Dr Ibrahim 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

- Blood groups - ABO system.

- Many systems have been discovered to differnetiate bloog groups,the most famous system is ABO system.

- ABO system represent antigenic components on the surface of RBCs according to which
this system was made.
- O RBCS means that there is no antigens on the surface of RBCs so we can give O RBCS
to all other types of RBCs groups.

- B RBCS means that there is B antigens on the surface of RBCs so we can give B RBCS
Only to B person or AB person.

- A RBCS means that there is A antigens on the surface of RBCs so we can give A RBCS
Only to A person or AB person.

- AB RBCS means that there Are both A,B antigens on the surface of RBCs so we can give AB RBCS Only to AB person.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

- Disability in geriatrics.

-Morbidities and injures in old age interfere with physical activities , mental and psychologic behavior.

- And associated with variable degrees of disabilities from so mild and hardly noticed to sever and complete disabilities.

- Causes of (disabilities) handicapping in old age = 10 I :-

  • Intellectual Impairment (dementia,...etc)
  • Impairment of vision & hearing.
  • Immobility.
  • Instability causing repeated falling.
  • Inanition(loss of teeth)causing malnutrition.
  • Infection.
  • Incontinence.
  • Impotence.
  • Iatrogensis.
  • Isolation causing psychological disorders.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

-Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
(SIDS) Or COT death

Def:- Sudden unexpectrd death in infant of appearant good health,without giving a commonly accepted cause at autopsy.

The cause:- undefinite but may be:-
  1. Suffocation.
  2. Infections:fulminant viral infections.
  3. Impaired respiratory reflexes.
  4. Diet : Improper diet causing nutritional deficiences or hypernatremia.
  5. Sensetivity to milk proteins.
  6. Cardiac conduction disorders.
  7. Co or Co2 poisoning.
  8. Overlying in the early life.
  9. Thermal: Hyper or hypothermia.

Features of the syndrome:

- Age: () 2weeks and 2 years with a peak 2-3 months of life.

- Sex : males more than  females.

- Social level: low socioeconomic level more than high socioeconomic level.

- Whether: cold winter more than hot summer.

- Twins more than single babies due to:

  •   increase icidence prematurity.
  •   low birth weight.