Saturday, January 3, 2009



- Long bone length (femur, humerus) is proportional to height.

- There are sex, race, nutrition and personal variations to consider

- By karl pearson formula.

Humerus = 18% of stature
Femur = 25% of stature


Determination of postmortem interval from bone.

- postmortem interval (PMI) : period () death & examination.

- Are they ancient or modern bones?

(i.e. greater or less than 50 years )

-Rate of skeletonisation is highly variable.

  • In the tropics a body can be reduced to a skeleton in 3 weeks.
  • Remarkable preservation of body is seen in acidic peaty soil
(e.g. "Pete Bogg" from Cheshire was 200 years old!).

Thus, environmental conditions have to be taken into account.

-Naked eye appearance is unreliable:
  • Tags of soft tissue, periosteum, ligaments etc, indicate less than 5 years old.
  • Soapy texture of surface indicates age less than a few decades.
  • Light, crumbling bones are likely to be a century or more old.
Individualizing skeletal features
  • Bone disease (Paget's disease, tumours) Previous injury to bone (fracture callus, prosthesis, metallic fragments).
  • Comparison of trabecular pattern of bone.
  • Pattern of skull's frontal air sinuses ,Outline is unique and comparisons with antemortem X-rays are useful.
- Facial reconstruction:-
  • Skull can be scanned into a computer and "fleshed" by computer reconstruction to give likely facial appearance in life.
  • Unfortunately eye colour, hair colour and lips are independent of bony structure.

- Laboratory tests –

1.precipitin test :
Immunological reaction between bone extract and anti human serum ceases within months of death.

2.If blood pigments are present bones are usually less than 10 years old.

3.Up to 20 amino acids may be identified in bones less than a century old.

4.Fluorescence of freshly sawn bone surface under UV light diminishes after 100 years.

5.New bones contain 4.0 - 4.5 gms% nitrogen; 2.5 gms% indicates approximately 350 years.

6.Radioactive carbon dating indicates which century.

see identification (1) here...

see identification (2) here...

see identification (4) here...

- New year with success..

In the name of Allah.

Year left & a new year come but we still unchanged ,

this is a big mistake ,

so the intelligent who try to change

themselves to the best as time passes.

The intelligent who throw their bad experiences behind &

start with success.

The intelligent who put the final target

in front of their eyes, but before that

they try to do the stages before the final target

" Rely on Allah then working hard"

Dr Ibrahim

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

- Identification (2).

4•Age estimation:

A- from skull :

- dimensions:-

-eg , at full term
  • circumference =13 inches
  • length =5 inches
  • width = 4 inches

- fontanelles closure :-
  • Anterior fontanelle close at 2 years.
  • posterior fontanelle close at 9 months (full term).
- suture fusion.

B- from union of the epiphysis:

- Sex has to be taken into account as;bone development and epiphyseal
fusion is
different between the sexes.

- The pattern of fusion of bone ends (epiphysis) to bone shaft (metaphysis) in each bone indicates age.

C- from ossific centers of the bones.



- The skull is the only reliable bone.

  • Caucasian (all whites)
  • Negro (all blacks - African, American, Negroes and West Indians)
  • Mongoloid (Chinese, Japanese, American Indians)

- Thus skulls of British, Germans, French or
Swedes cannot be distinguished from one another.
- Similarly Japanese skulls are similar to Chinese skulls.

see identification (1) here...

see identification (3) here...

see identification (4) here...

Monday, December 22, 2008

- Identification (1).

Identification( الإستعراف)

-Def:- recognition of a person (living or dead) through certain characters that
differentiate him from all other persons.

-Include :-
  • Skeletal remains( Bony collection),
  • Identification of the living person,
  • Identification of the dead body or part of dead body.
-Identification of Skeletal remains( Bony collection)

1•Are the remains human or animal?

- If complete anatomical features.

- If piece of bone (where there is no anatomical
features) do Precipitin test.

-N.B:- Precipitin test:-
  • Crushing a small piece of bone & suspending it in saline.
  • The saline extraction is examined against human antiserum.
  • This test not working with burned bone due to destruction of proteins.

2•How many bodies? ( Number of persons)..


- Repetition of the same single bones

e.g (2 skulls,2 mandibles,2 sternii..etc).

- Different sex ,age,race,Postmortem interval.

3•sex differentiation:

A) From height of long bone.

B) Based on appearance of :-

Skull,Mandible,Sternum, Pelvis,Hip bone,sacrum.

Before puberty:- It is impossible to differentiate

the sex from bone.As sexual characters aren't manifested yet.

After puberty:-It is possible to differentiate the sex from bone.

A) From height of long bone.

  • By the height of the bone we can suggest sex.
  • By using Karl Pearson's formula: -
Femur= 25% of height.
Humerus = 18% of height.

-Skull :



- Hip bone :-

- sacrum :

see identification (2) here...

see identification (3) here...

see identification (4) here...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

-Plummer-Vinson Syndrome.

Plummer-Vinson Syndrome

- Synonyms:-

Chronic Pharyngo-oesophagitis or Patterson-Brown-Kelly's disease.


Chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the hypopharynx and upper oesophagus.


Unknown, may be iron deficiency anaemia, vitamin deficiency or autoimmune.

- Incidence:-

Commonly in females above 40 years.


Atrophic mucosa and submucosal fibrosis leading to formation of webs.

-Clinical picture:-

Symptoms: gradual progressive dysphagia.

  • Angular stomatitis with fissured angles of the mouth
  • glossitis: (smooth glazed dry tongue)
  • glazed atrophic mucosa of the hypopharynx and upper oesophagus with mucosal webs
  • splenomegaly
  • spooning of the nails (Koilonychia).


Blood picture shows hypochromic microcytic anaemia.
Gastric secretions: achlorohydria due to atrophic gastritis may be caused by vit. B12 deficiency.
Hypopharyngoscopy: web formation and stenosis.

- Complications:-

Submucosal fibrosis leading to web formation and stenosis.
• Pre-cancerous leads to Post-cricoid carcinoma.


• Iron and vitamin B complex by injection.
• Repeated endoscopic dilatation.
• Regular follow up to detect early post-cricoid carcinoma.

Return to list of medical syndromes here.