Tuesday, December 23, 2008

- Identification (2).

4•Age estimation:

A- from skull :

- dimensions:-

-eg , at full term
  • circumference =13 inches
  • length =5 inches
  • width = 4 inches

- fontanelles closure :-
  • Anterior fontanelle close at 2 years.
  • posterior fontanelle close at 9 months (full term).
- suture fusion.

B- from union of the epiphysis:

- Sex has to be taken into account as;bone development and epiphyseal
fusion is
different between the sexes.

- The pattern of fusion of bone ends (epiphysis) to bone shaft (metaphysis) in each bone indicates age.

C- from ossific centers of the bones.



- The skull is the only reliable bone.

  • Caucasian (all whites)
  • Negro (all blacks - African, American, Negroes and West Indians)
  • Mongoloid (Chinese, Japanese, American Indians)

- Thus skulls of British, Germans, French or
Swedes cannot be distinguished from one another.
- Similarly Japanese skulls are similar to Chinese skulls.

see identification (1) here...

see identification (3) here...

see identification (4) here...

Monday, December 22, 2008

- Identification (1).

Identification( الإستعراف)

-Def:- recognition of a person (living or dead) through certain characters that
differentiate him from all other persons.

-Include :-
  • Skeletal remains( Bony collection),
  • Identification of the living person,
  • Identification of the dead body or part of dead body.
-Identification of Skeletal remains( Bony collection)

1•Are the remains human or animal?

- If complete bone....by anatomical features.

- If piece of bone (where there is no anatomical
features) do Precipitin test.

-N.B:- Precipitin test:-
  • Crushing a small piece of bone & suspending it in saline.
  • The saline extraction is examined against human antiserum.
  • This test not working with burned bone due to destruction of proteins.

2•How many bodies? ( Number of persons)..


- Repetition of the same single bones

e.g (2 skulls,2 mandibles,2 sternii..etc).

- Different sex ,age,race,Postmortem interval.

3•sex differentiation:

A) From height of long bone.

B) Based on appearance of :-

Skull,Mandible,Sternum, Pelvis,Hip bone,sacrum.

Before puberty:- It is impossible to differentiate

the sex from bone.As sexual characters aren't manifested yet.

After puberty:-It is possible to differentiate the sex from bone.

A) From height of long bone.

  • By the height of the bone we can suggest sex.
  • By using Karl Pearson's formula: -
Femur= 25% of height.
Humerus = 18% of height.

-Skull :



- Hip bone :-

- sacrum :

see identification (2) here...

see identification (3) here...

see identification (4) here...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

-Plummer-Vinson Syndrome.

Plummer-Vinson Syndrome

- Synonyms:-

Chronic Pharyngo-oesophagitis or Patterson-Brown-Kelly's disease.


Chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the hypopharynx and upper oesophagus.


Unknown, may be iron deficiency anaemia, vitamin deficiency or autoimmune.

- Incidence:-

Commonly in females above 40 years.


Atrophic mucosa and submucosal fibrosis leading to formation of webs.

-Clinical picture:-

Symptoms: gradual progressive dysphagia.

  • Angular stomatitis with fissured angles of the mouth
  • glossitis: (smooth glazed dry tongue)
  • glazed atrophic mucosa of the hypopharynx and upper oesophagus with mucosal webs
  • splenomegaly
  • spooning of the nails (Koilonychia).


Blood picture shows hypochromic microcytic anaemia.
Gastric secretions: achlorohydria due to atrophic gastritis may be caused by vit. B12 deficiency.
Hypopharyngoscopy: web formation and stenosis.

- Complications:-

Submucosal fibrosis leading to web formation and stenosis.
• Pre-cancerous leads to Post-cricoid carcinoma.


• Iron and vitamin B complex by injection.
• Repeated endoscopic dilatation.
• Regular follow up to detect early post-cricoid carcinoma.

Return to list of medical syndromes here.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

- Herpes zoster oticus (Ramsey- Hunt syndrome).

Herpes zoster oticus

(Ramsey-Hunt syndrome)

  • herpes zoster viral infection of the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve.
  • It is caused by reactivation of herpes zoster virus that has previously caused chickenpox in the patient.
-Clinical picture:-

  • Pain in and around the ear
  • vesicles on the auricle and in the external auditory canal
  • Lower motor neuron facial nerve paralysis due to affection of the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve.
  • May be associated with sensory-neural hearing loss and vertigo due to affection of the cochleo-vestibular nerve (Ramsey-Hunt syndrome).

1.Anti-viral therapy as acyclovir (oral and local).
2.Corticosteroids (oral and local) in severe cases with affection of the facial and or cochleo-vestibular nerves.

Return to list of medical syndromes here

Friday, November 28, 2008

- Investigations for diagnosis of poisoning.

Investigations for diagnosis of poisoning

There are general
& toxicological measures ......
  • ECG.
  • Urea & electrolytes , lab glucose, anion gap /- lactate & osmolal gap.
  • Liver function Tests & Clotting (paracetamol, anticoagulants).
  • Arterial Blood Gases.
  • Drug levels (at appropriate interval: Paracetamol, salicylates; others: theophylline, digoxin, lithium, anti-epileptics if it was likely that they had been taken).
  • Comprehensive toxicology screens not normally indicated in the emergency treatment.
  • Carboxyhaemoglobin levels if carbon monoxide suspected.
  • Urinalysis , save sample for possible toxicological analysis.
  • Rhabdomyolysis , save sample for possible toxicological analysis.
  • Chest X-Ray if pulmonary oedema/aspiration suspected.