Saturday, November 15, 2008

- Anatomy and histology of eye lids.

- Eye lid :
  • It is movable muco-cutaneous fold covering anterior surface of eye globe.
  • Upper eye lid is more movable than lower eye lid as it have levator palpebrae superioris muscle and Muller's muscle .
  • The upper eyelid skin crease (superior palpebral furrow) is approximately 8-11 mm superior to the eyelid margin and is formed by the attachment of the superficial insertion of  levator aponeurotic fibers  (8-9 mm in men and 9-11 mm in women).
-The palpebral fissure is that empty space between the upper and  lower eyelid margins when the eyelids are open (that is, the space between the eyelids that allows you to see  your eyeball and your eyeball to see the world).

Sunday, November 9, 2008

- Development of eye lids.

Development of eye lids

Time :

Begins during 6th week.


1- Eye lids develop from two folds of skins over the

cornea during 6th week.

2- Eye lids adhere to each other by the beginning of 10th week

& remain adhered till 26th to 28th weeks.

Congenital anomalies:

usually congenital anomalies appear together

to give a syndrome.

1-congenital ptosis:-

cause: failure of development of levator palpebrea

superioris muscle.

- It may be simple( alone).

- It may be associated eith other lid deformities or

congenital opthalmoplegia.

- it is usually bilateral & hereditary.

2- Epicanthus:

- is a semilunar skin fold at the side of the nose

covering the medial canthus & the caruncle leading

to false convergent squint.

3- Telecanthus:

increased distance () two
medial canthi.


-Diminution of the horizontal width of the palpebral

fissure from 25-30 mm (normal) to 18-22mm without

pathologic changes in the eyelids.

- It is rare & usually asscociated in

Blepharo-phimosis syndrome.

5-Blepharo-phimosis syndrome:

presence of congenital ptosis,Epicanthus,

elecanthus & Blepharo-phimosis with each other.

6- Congenital trichiasis ( distichiasis)

- rare condition.

- In which abnormal extra raw of lashes replacing white line.

7- Congenital entropion:

- rare with micropthalmos.

8- Congenital ectropion:

- rare with Blepharo-phimosis syndrome.

9- coloboma of the eye lids:

- It is triangular , quadrilateral or

irregular shaped defect of the lid margin.

10- Epiblepharon:

-horizontal redundant medial fold of skin of the

eye lid inducing vertical orientation of the cilia.

-Epiblepharon may co exist with entropion.

-It usually imrpoves by age as the eyelid skin stretches.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

- Vision.

- Vision: - is a complex sense composed of many elements including:-

Perception of image on retina.-

-Conduction of the image as nerve impulse to brain.

- Interpretation & recognition of the image by brain.

- Organ of Vision: - is the eye.

- Eye is formed of: -

-Eyeball which located inside the orbit.

-Extra ocular structures surrounding it

(eyelids – Conjunctiva - lacrimal apparatus - Extra ocular muscles)

N.B… nerve of vision is :-

optic nerve which is the second (2nd) cranial nerve.

N.B… Ocular muscles 2:-

1- Extra ocular muscles:-

-Levator Palpebrae Superioris.

Four recti :-
  • Lat. Rectus
  • Med. Rectus.
  • Sup. Rectus.
  • Inf. Rectus.
- Inf. Oblique.

- Sup. Oblique

2- Intra ocular muscles:-

- ciliary muscle.

- Sphincter pupillae muscle.

- Dilator pupillae muscle.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

- Dietary Protein.

Dietary Protein

Chemistery :-

Proteins are made of strings of amino acids that form chains known as peptides.
Proteins differ by the types and order of amino acids they contain. Even though there are only 20 amino acids, they create almost endless variations in chains as long as 500 links.

site of synthesis:-

Proteins form inside animals (including humans) and plants through processes that synthesize peptides. For humans, we cannot synthesize certain "essential protein," and so we must ingest them through food. These essential proteins are made of phenylalanine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, and valine amino acids.

Functions pf proteins:-
Our bodies need dietary protein to accomplish many basic functions, such as:-
1- building bones.
2- moving muscles.
3- repairing tissue.
4- a catalyst in metabolism.
5- They're involved in the nervous system function.
6- bringing energy to cells.

Dietary protein, an essential nutrient, comes from meat, dairy, and certain grains and beans.

Food from plants, like corn, have incomplete protein, which means they do not contain all the necessary amino acids. Only food from animals, such as cheese and fish, provide complete protein, and don't need to be combined with other protein sources.

Examples of complete protein foods are :-

milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, poultry, pork, or any meat. Incomplete proteins include oats, wheat, pasta, lentils, nuts, rice, soy, pears, and seeds. Eating a combination of complementary protein sources, such as grains mixed with legumes, results in a diet of essential protein. This is how vegetarians and vegans maintain health without eating meat or dairy.

Dietary requirements:-
vary from 40-70 gm of protein per day.

1- Too much protein might deplete calcium,
2- while too little causes a form of malnutrition called kwashiorkor. Insufficient protein weakens the heart and other muscles, eventually leading to death.
3- Incidentally, proteins are responsible for most food allergies.

With my best wishes



- what is ophthalmology?

The medicine and surgery of the eye and
its surrounding structures and its connections

to the brain, in order to maintain clear
, pain-free and useful vision
with an aesthetic attractive appearance.