Sunday, February 15, 2009

-Three in human ear.

There are...

- 3 parts of the human ear:-

  1. External ear.
  2. Middle ear.
  3. Inner ear.
- 3 parts of the External ear:-
  1. auricle (pinna).
  2. external auditory meatus.
  3. Tympanic membrane.
- 3 layers in tympanic membrane:-
  1. Outter skin layer.
  2. middle fibrous layer.
  3. inner mucosal layer.
- 3 cranial nerves innervate the tympanic membrane:-
  1. C.N. V (trigeminal).
  2. C.N. IX(glossopharyngeal).
  3. C.N. X (Vagus).
 -3 Parts of middle ear:-
  1. Tympanic cavity.
  2. Eustachian tube.
  3. Mastoid air cells.
- 3 parts of the tympanic cavity:-
  1. epi-tympanum.
  2. meso-tympanum.
  3. hypo-tympanum.
- 3 middle ear bones (auditory ossicles):-
  1. malleus.
  2. incus.
  3. stapes.
- 3 parts of the malleus:-
  1. Head.
  2. lateral process.
  3. handle.
- 3 parts of labyrinth:-
  1. Bony cochlea.
  2. 3 semicircular canals.
  3. Vestibule.
- 3 semicircular canals :
  1. Posterior.
  2. lateral.
  3. superior.
- 3 compartments of cavity of bony cochlea :-
  1. scala vestibuli: Upper compartment.
  2. scala media (cochlear duct):middle compartment.
  3. scala tympani: lower compartment.
- 3 membranes in cochlear duct:-
  1. vestibular.
  2. Tectorial.
  3. Basilar .
- 3 labyrnthine sensory end organs:-
  1. Of cochlea..called organ of corti.
  2. of s c c....called crista.
  3. of utricle and saccule..called macula.

Enjoy it,,,,,
Dr Ibrahim...

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