Sunday, July 2, 2017

-Mendel’s principles of inheritance.


Mendel’s principles of inheritance: U.S.A

Law of dominance

Some alleles are dominant while others are recessive; an organism with at least one dominant allele will display the effect of the dominant allele.

Law of segregation

During gamete formation, the alleles for each gene segregate from each other so that each gamete carries only one allele (heterozygous) for each gene.

Law of independent assortment

Genes for different traits can segregate independently during the formation of gametes.

In reality, this is not always true, as genes that are close together on the same chromosome tend to be inherited together, i.e. they are 'linked’.

Monday, March 14, 2016

- histamine releasers.

 drugs causing histamine release
(histamine releasers)

"Moon Try To Do Rays"

Radiocontrast media.

 Dr Ibrahim samaha

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Anti pseudomonal antibiotics mnemonics.

Anti pseudomonal antibiotics mnemonics.

Pig cam







Thursday, December 8, 2011

Varicocele grading.


Clinical and ultrasonography grading of varicocele

Varicocele grading is done to provide a standardization in the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of the disease.

Varicocele staging (grade) is done in two main ways:

1.     Grading system made clinically, namely by examination.

2.     Grading with scrotal color Doppler ultrasonography.

Clinical Grading of varicocele



Grade 0

Seen on ultrasound, but not physically detectable (also called “subclinical varicocele”)

Grade I

Palpable (felt on exam) when the patient is performing the valsalva maneuver (“bearing down”)

Grade II

Palpable even without valsalva

Grade III

Varicocele causing visible deformity of the scrotum.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Modified Canadian Cardiovascular Society grading of angina pectoris.

Modified Canadian Cardiovascular Society

grading of angina pectoris

Canadian Cardiovascular Society grading of angina pectoris contain only 4 grades and Class 0 is not an official part of the CCS functional classification of angina pectoris, however it has been mentioned in several sources, referring to myocardial ischemia without symptoms.

Grade 0

Asymptomatic Angina

Mild myocardial ischemia with no symptoms.

Grade I

Angina only with strenuous exertion

Angina with strenuous or rapid or prolonged exertion at work or recreation (Ordinary physical activity does not cause angina, such as walking and climbing stairs).

Grade II

Angina with moderate exertion

Slight limitation of ordinary activities when they are performed rapidly, after meals, in cold, in wind, under emotional stress, during the first few hours after waking up, but also walking uphill, climbing more than one flight of ordinary stairs at a normal pace and in normal conditions.

Grade III

Angina with mild exertion

Having difficulties walking one or two blocks or climbing one flight of stairs at normal pace and conditions.

Grade IV

Angina at rest

No exertion needed to trigger angina.

 Dr Ibrahim

Return to list of medical grades (click here)