Wednesday, March 17, 2010

-Vircow's triad.

Vircow's triad is the aetiology of thrombosis which is composed of :-

1-Damage of vascular endothelium(Vascular trauma):-
this damage expose the endothelial collagen which is rough surface to which platelets can stick firmly and release thromboxane A2 that help more platelet aggregation.

2-Slowing(Reduced)in the blood flow (stasis):-
these changes help thrombosis by allowing the platelets to deviate from the axial stream and cross the peripheral plasmatic zone to stick to the vascular endothelium.

3-Change in blood composition(Increased coagulability ):-
a-Increase number of blood elements.
-Increase platelets so become more sticky and agglutinate in small masses and adhere to vascular endothelium.
-Increase WBCs and RBCs increase viscosity of blood and stasis.
b-Biochemical changes that cause systemic activation of the cloting system.

"VIR chow"

Vascular trauma
Increased coagulability
Reduced blood flow (stasis)

Dr Ibrahim

Return to other triads here.

Friday, March 12, 2010

-Types of laxatives.

Types of laxatives


Bulk laxatives.
Osmotic laxatives.
Stool Softeners.

Or "Bios"

Bulk laxatives.
Osmotic laxatives.
Stool Softeners.

Dr Ibrahim

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

-Poisoning severity grading.

Poisoning severity grading

Grade 0(none):no symptoms or signs or vague symptoms not related to the poison.

Grade 1(Minor):Mild,transient and spontanously resolving symptoms.

Grade 2(Moderate):pronounced or prolonged symptoms.

Grade 3(sever): sever or life threatening symptoms.

Dr Ibrahim

Return to list of medical grades (click here) 

Friday, March 5, 2010

-Drugs causing constipation.

Drugs causing constipation


Calcium channel blockers.
Muscle relaxants.
Antacids,Anticholinergics,Abuse of laxatives.

Dr Ibrahim

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

-Treatment of urticaria.

Treatment of urticaria


Systemic steroids(sever cases resistant to treatment).
Soothing lotions locally.

Ca gluconate.


Removal of the cause.

Dr Ibrahim