Friday, March 20, 2009

- Important Points in Nutrition.

- Animal milk is poor in:-


Vit D

Vit C

Thiamine (Vit B1).




*Essential fatty acids


- Vitamins syenthesized by Intestinal flora:-

Vit K2

Vit B6

Folic acid



- Nutritional Bone diseases:-

Rickets (Vit D deficiency)

Osteomalacia (Ca deficiency)


Dental Caries (Ca,fluorine deficiency)


- Nutritional Anaemia:-

Iron ( hypochromic microcytic anaemia)

Vit B12 (megaloblastic anaemia)

Folic acid (megaloblastic anaemia)


Dr Ibrahim Samaha

Monday, March 16, 2009

- Muscles.

-Types :-
There are 3 types of muscles each type of muscles has its specific structural and functional unit which is called muscle fiber ( cell):-
1- skeletal muscle has skeletal muscle fiber.
2- cardiac muscle has cardiac muscle fiber.
3- smooth muscle has smooth muscle fiber.

- Innervation of the muscles:-
*skeletal muscle fiber has somatic innervation.
* both cardiac muscle fiber and  smooth muscle fibers have autonomic innervation.
-skeletal muscle fiber is under voluntary control
- both cardiac muscle fiber and smooth muscle fibers are under involuntary control.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

- Excitability.

-Def:- is the ability of cells to respond to stimuli.

-Excitability of cells and tissues is a basic function of life,as it is necessary for the functioning of nerves, muscles, and hormones,etc...

-The basis for the excitability of cells is their ion distribution, and the distribution of ions and molecules is determined by transport mechanisms associated with their plasma membrane structure.
-This structure permits and regulates various forms of ionic and molecular transport.

-Stimuli which induce Excitability are classified into two types:-
1-electrical. (galvanic ,faradric)
2-chemical.( ions , chemical transmitters, gases,……etc)

-you must know that:-

Excitable cells are those that can be stimulated to create a tiny electric current which in turn is transformed into physiological function and excitable cells are of three types:-
  • Muscle cells.
  • Nerve cells (neurons).
  • Glandular cells.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

- Anatomy of the External nose.

- The external nose extends the nasal cavities onto the front of the face and positions the nares so that they point downwards.

- The anterior parts of the nasal cavities are held open by a  skeletal framework (i.e external nose ).

- The external nose is pyramidal in shape , has anterior border called "dorsum" and two lateral sides.
- It´s root lies at the naso-facial suture.
- It´s apex called the tip of the nose.
- The septum below the tip of the nose called "columella".
- The opening of the nose to air is called "nostrils" or "anterior nares" which are openings through which air enters nasal cavities...

- The external nose is composed of two parts:

1- Upper bony part:-
which is composed of :

  • Nsal bones which is articulate together in the middle line .
  • Nasal process of frontal bone.
  • Nasal process of maxillry bone.

2- lower cartilagenous part:-
which is composed of :

  • upper lateral cartilage.
  • Major alar cartilage(lower lateral cartilage).
  • Minor alar cartilage at ala nasi.

N.B: Major alar cartilage is composed of two crura lateral and medial.
The two medial crura form "columella".

-Netter anatomy atlas.
-Richard l.darke,wayne vogl& Adam mitchell:Gray´s anatomy for students.
-Mohammed Fareed:Illustrated Otolaryngology.
-Hassan Allam:Manual of Otorhinolaryngology.
-Mansoura E.N.T department:Essentials of Otorhinolaryngology.

Friday, February 20, 2009

-Ten ways to reduce risk of cancer.

1- Balanced diet ( which supply the body with sufficient food stuffs,satisfy body requirement,free of toxins or infection,selected in proper portion 50-60% cHO,15-20% proteins,20-30% fat).

2-choose diet rich in fibers.

3-Increase vegetables and fruits for more than 2 servings /day.

4-Control weight,avoid obesity.

5-Excercise regularly.

6-limit highly salted food.

7-limit smoky and  pickled food.

8-Decrease fat intake.

9-Stop alcohol.

10-Stop smoking with its different forms (cigarettes,Bidi,Cigar,Goza ,Hook-ah,Hubble-bubble,Tobacco chewing,Snuff,pipe).

Dr Ibrahim samaha